Clean Energy Engineering and Consultation
Developing Climate Change Mitigation Solutions
Renewable energy and energy efficient design – Tellus provides decades of expertise in engineering and design of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy and water resiliency projects, including solar, geothermal, energy storage, and micro-grid technologies. We conduct comprehensive and strategic planning sessions with our clients, combined with market research, feasibility studies, life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), and return on investment (ROI) analysis to inform project engineering and citing decisions. We conduct monitoring & verification (M&V) to ensure projects are performing as designed and make recommendations for improved performance.
Smart buildings/high performance operations – We support our clients in bench marking existing building stock, building retrofits, and retro-commissioning to implement energy efficiency measures and reduce the use of fossil fuels, while achieving high performance operations through optimizing building automation system (BAS) sequences and set points. We develop and maintain interactive dashboards with real-time data visualization to identify opportunities for energy and water efficiency measures. We deliver customized training to address high-performance facility processes for property managers, operations and maintenance personnel, program managers, and other stakeholders.
Building electrification – Our team develops local building electrification and decarbonization strategies for our clients, including guidance in the creation of electrification “reach” building codes. We support building owners, building managers, contractors, residents, community members, and other stakeholders in facilitating an equitable transition to fully electrified infrastructure that integrates electric appliances and vehicles.
Green infrastructure and urban heat island mitigation – We offer a portfolio of green infrastructure tools to achieve nature-based watershed management and to reduce local temperatures in areas experiencing urban heat island effect. Our team provides guidance in building green roofs, planting trees, using cool/reflective pavements, and following smart growth principles.